I asked my five-year-old cousin what was his favorite part of my visit to his home in Louisiana. His answer? “You waiting for me when I got off the school bus.”
Three years later, he was asked his favorite times with his mother who was dying of cancer. His answer? “Mommy playing games with me while we waited for the school bus.” His favorite game involved counting colors of passing cars.
Being met at the school bus. Waiting for the school bus. Both outweighed adventures such as sunset boat rides, trips to Avery Island to watch alligators, and playing on the ever-changing beach of Rio de Janeiro.
How are these answers relevant to parenting and educating our children? Along the way, I learned that day-to-day life matters more and will be remembered more than elaborate vacations, carefully planned birthday parties, science fairs, team sports, and field trips. The mundane stays in our children’s memories because of the repetition and the emotions attached. I wish I had known earlier to make the most of the smaller moments. Mundane rules, which can be very good news.

Which mundane moments are your favorites?
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