Let’s admit it. Too many times, we homeschoolers shake our heads at the operations of traditional schools. (Other parents and traditional teachers do so as well.)
Some things, which are beneficial in a traditional setting, would never work for homeschoolers. Parent-Teacher Conferences are an example. We would be talking to ourselves, which we already do too frequently.
However, I wish I had realized the benefit of Parent-Child conferences, commonly known as Teacher-Student conferences. I could have:
Affirmed my sons’ progress.
Asked their frustrations.
Voiced my frustrations.
Worked with them on a strategy to overcome our weaknesses.
Asked about their goals.
Explained my goals.
These discussions would have avoided a lot of angst in our home.

Are there any other “school” ideas we homeschoolers should consider and perhaps incorporate?
If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.