
February is Hard

I love winter—and not just the snow and glowing fireplaces and hibernating inside. The gift-giving holidays occur during winter, and I so love giving presents. I have more opportunities to drink hot chocolate. I can bake muffins and pies and not overheat the house. I can snuggle under blankets piled high and not overheat myself.

However, February was my hardest month to homeschool. When I told traditional teachers how I felt, they agreed. February was hard.

The excitement of new subjects has worn off like the edges of our new books. The end of the school year seems far away.

What did I do? Eventually, I learned to accept it. There was nothing wrong with me or my children or my school choices. It was a hard point in the journey that had to be traveled.

Second, I looked for a break in routine. Once, we spent the entire day reading about animals in winter after I kept yielding to “Another chapter, please.” We built models: castles, Viking towns, a Roman amphitheater and much more. We spent more time drawing. And no regrets.

How do you handle your hardest month?

If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.