
Weeping With Those Who Weep

And we urge you brothers to admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.

I Thessalonians 5: 14 (ESV)

My usual response when friends and family struggled aligned with 1Thessalonians 5:14. I’m wired to encourage and help.

Along the way, I’m learning that a different response may be most beneficial.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

Romans 12:15 (ESV)

During the winter, I was devastated when people close to our family attempted to take advantage of us—with hugs and smiles thrown in for good measure. The most helpful words were “That was awful. I’m mad too,” followed by the reminder that it was their pattern.

This spring, when I experienced a serious health challenge, “You’ll heal and be fine” did not encourage. I did heal, and I am fine, but at the time, mourning and prayers were the balm I needed.

As a dear friend walks a difficult road, she needs help and encouragement, but now I understand how much she needs me to weep with her.

Are you in a season of rejoicing or weeping?

If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.