Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer.
Ed Cunningham
If Cunningham is right, then I had a treasure trove of friends in 2024.
Tina, who sat with me on the church sofa and listened while I talked.
Katie, who drove to my house for tea and prayer and listened while I talked.
Barb, who drove me to class and listened while I talked.
Kathy, who sat on my patio and listened while I talked.
Sara, who sat with me in her car and listened while I talked.
Beth, who phoned and listened while I talked—as she has for over sixteen years.
My mother-in-law who was always glad to hear from me and listened while I talked.
Aunt Shirley, the only aunt who listened while I talked rather than talking while I listened.
My husband, who sat up past his bedtime to listen while I talked.
And more who crossed my path less frequently.
Why is listening such a gift?
Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. … When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
Karl Menniger

May we all listen and be listened to in 2025.
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