Photos, Relationships

Staying in Touch (Reprise)

During Covid-19, my husband and I needed ways to connect with members of our isolated church family that did not involve physical contact. When we were physically apart due to travel, I sent tourist postcards. Those wouldn’t work this time.

While my sons were at college, Pictures of the Day (POTD) kept our immediate family connected. (See here.) Why not expand the POTD to our church family?

Printing and sending photos were time-consuming, but more interesting than writing letters when there was little news to share.

The first photos I sent during Covid-19 were of the woodpeckers, jays, cardinals, and chickadees that visited the feeder on my deck.

Our most frequent visitors

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.

Ansel Adams

I appreciated my backyard more because of the response I received. I saw my surroundings through the lens of those who didn’t have the view I did.

I also gained a permanent communication tool. Eventually photos were mailed to extended family. Five years later, my ninety-year-old aunt eagerly awaits the next batch.

How did you stay in touch during Covid-19?

If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.