And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.
Matthew 10:42 (ESV)
Some days, I can only give cups of cold water. Small cups.
However, the cups of cold water given to me are special gifts.
The givers?
The casual acquaintance who stopped her car when she saw me by my mailbox and asked how I was doing during Covid-19.
The friends who checked on me via texts during Covid-19.
The friends who mailed me cards saying I am loved and appreciated.
My co-teacher who carried my bags for me after my cataract surgery—and drove me to my classes.
My son’s tutor who told me my son thrived because of my teaching.
My son who took my hand and helped me climb closer to a waterfall.
My son who drives me to doctor appointments and waits.
My husband who daily brings me ups of cold water—with a splash of orange juice.
And more.
Cups of cold water are on my Christmas list. What’s on yours?
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