“I gave your lesson time to someone who needed it,” the boys’ music teacher told me. “You can come any time.”
“What?” I was shocked.
Homeschoolers like flexibility. I wish I had known that the more I told others we homeschooled, the more my flexibility was transferred from me to them.
Our original lessons were right after my sons’ afternoon phys ed class. Even better, the phys ed class was one third of the way to the music lessons. All went smoothly until the music teacher decided that because we were homeschoolers and therefore “flexible,” we would come Tuesday mornings when her other students were “in school.” This gave her flexibility.
We did our best to accommodate by listening to Spanish lessons or books on tape while I drove, but our school day was interrupted the remainder of the year. I could not reverse her decision, but I could be more savvy.
Not out of fear—but out of respect for my schedule—I became more circumspect about telling others we homeschooled. I wish I had known to do that sooner.
What are you reclaiming these days?
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