Even after I realized I should think like a professional—see here—I pushed forward and taught when I was sick. How could I stop homeschooling for a couple of days, let alone a week? I always felt behind, as most homeschoolers do.
Pushing on always delayed my recovery, which prolonged my misery and the number of unproductive school days. Each time I said it would be different next time. It wasn’t.
Paid teachers at traditional schools—notice I didn’t say real teachers—have substitutes and lesson plans for sick days. I might not have a paid substitute, but I should have had a plan that allowed rest and healing. Eventually, family circumstances required a plan.
My favorite was educational movies from the library and the How Great Thou Art art curriculum by Barry Stebbing. The easiest was a reading marathon. My boys could camp out in my bedroom and take turns reading aloud. Today, Kindle and streaming give last minute options.
A container of materials with a “Sick Days” label helps. It is also a constant reminder that sick days are a normal part of a parent/teacher’s life.
What is your favorite strategy for family illnesses?
If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.