
Homeschooling Is Bigger Than Us

Due to lack of time and money, our children attended their first homeschool convention when our oldest was entering the teen years. Back then, attendance was at its peak. Aisles were jammed. Lines were long.

Our boys roamed while we shopped. Their favorite activity was talking to the vendors of curriculum that we used. Who would have guessed?  Over two days, they returned again and again to one publisher to offer advice and critiques concerning the software flaws that frustrated us.

One child asked for a writing program I had not considered.

We gave each twenty dollars to spend. Their choices surprised us but not as much as their reaction to a convention center overflowing with homeschoolers from multiple states.

Our sons absorbed that homeschooling was a movement bigger than our family, bigger than our local homeschool groups. Our family was part of something gigantic.

I found that a homeschool convention yielded more than curriculum and advice. It was perhaps more worthwhile for my sons than for me.

What are your convention plans this year?

If you have something you would like to share with Mollie, please use the form below.