All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone.
Tony Robbins, Author
I don’t know about growth, but along the way I learned that comfort awaits me at the end of my comfort zone.
It seems like I spend most of my time outside my comfort zone, but I’m not forced. I get myself into it.
Within hours of learning that my grandfather was lingering in a hospital, I flew to his side and sat with him minutes before his death. I despised both flying and leaving my small children, but I was blessed.
I volunteered to fly to Brazil and care for four small children for two weeks while my cousin sought medical treatment in Texas, and her husband worked during the day. I didn’t speak Portuguese or know anything about Ipanema. Two years later, my husband returned with me because I wanted him to experience the culture and natural beauty I found.
I didn’t want to testify in a court of law, but I volunteered because I loved the victim, and I knew I was needed. I received peace in the process and the joy of participating in victory.
And comfort through them all.

How’s your comfort zone these days?