Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever … It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.
Aaron Siskind
When I visited my college campus last year, the place held little meaning. So many changes had been made since my graduation that I could not retrace my college steps from my dorm to the cafeteria or library.
Weeks later, my brother texted 1970s photos that depicted the place I remembered. As I looked at photo after photo of where I slept, ate, studied, and made friends while an undergraduate, emotions hidden in my heart rose to the surface.
Later that night, I decluttered papers on my desk and found an article about Christopher Lawing, who photographed old signs from buildings in Charlotte, North Carolina. (Our State March 2023) Viewers told him about rekindled memories and feelings as they gazed on their childhood icons.
May God bless the photographers who help us remember and reminisce.
* May is National Photography Month
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